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Yay for COLOUR! EmptyYesterday at 19:09 by Ev

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Yay for COLOUR! EmptyYesterday at 18:17 by Bold90s

» Pottery ID please - Crown Lynn 1194 Dutch Oven ... New Shape !!!!!
Yay for COLOUR! EmptyYesterday at 16:21 by Ev

» This string mouse is not Temuka, so who made it?
Yay for COLOUR! EmptyYesterday at 7:13 by Ev

» Mini Potty was not made by Crown Lynn, so who made them?
Yay for COLOUR! EmptyFri 31 May - 10:59 by Ev

» Gillian Pope
Yay for COLOUR! EmptyThu 30 May - 17:29 by sarabeee

» Crown Lynn 6058
Yay for COLOUR! EmptyThu 30 May - 16:20 by Bold90s

» Crown Lynn Titian 1322
Yay for COLOUR! EmptyThu 30 May - 16:07 by Ev

» Pottery ID please …Yes Royal Oak Margarine
Yay for COLOUR! EmptyWed 29 May - 8:36 by Ev

Yay for COLOUR!

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Yay for COLOUR! Empty Yay for COLOUR!

Post  Maryr Thu 4 Sep - 15:55

This winter we put up some decent shelves in the lounge.  Here is what it looks like now with my new genuine retro cushions (made from a skirt I had a long long time ago).
Yay for COLOUR! Our_lo10

Stonehouse fish ware and Morris & James kowhai; the next shelf is Studio Ceramics/Christine Harris
Yay for COLOUR! Our_lo11

Top shelf Christine Purdon plate and Stage Artware. Next shelf down is Tony Sly florals, Bob Steiner duo and Brendan Adams S&P
Yay for COLOUR! Our_lo12

Vases (from left) by Terra, two by Stage, two Hobby Ceramics I think, then two more by Stage. Next shelf down; Stage and Petra
Yay for COLOUR! Our_lo13

Whew last pic! top shelf is beer steins by various makers, bottom shelf is Kermiko, with a Temuka string mouse and Catherine Anselmi vase.
Yay for COLOUR! Our_lo14

Number of posts : 1983
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Yay for COLOUR! Empty Re: Yay for COLOUR!

Post  Ev Thu 4 Sep - 17:28

Love it as it jumps out and yells at you to LOOK AT ME!
And there is plenty of room for more Wink

Number of posts : 17775
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Yay for COLOUR! Empty Re: Yay for COLOUR!

Post  Thelma Fri 5 Sep - 12:43


Number of posts : 490
Location : Canterbury, NZ
Registration date : 2010-04-23

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