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Smurfs  Empty Smurfs

Post  Ev Thu 3 Apr - 8:58

We were invaded by Smurfs sometime during the latter years of last century and they ended up covering all sorts of things including this Crown Lynn mug -

Smurfs  Smurf10

I found that this has been recorded as: Smurf (2) Q11/05
which alerts me to the possibility that there may be two different (2)..?
As I'm not at all sure about what the /05 indicates, I've made this thread in the hopes that more will turn up on the site and we can work out what these CODES mean!!!!
Directly above in the records is Sesame Street .... can someone give me a time frame for these patterns please?

Number of posts : 17775
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Smurfs  Empty More Smurfs info

Post  Maryr Thu 3 Apr - 9:27

Ev I have some notes which say that the Smurfs designs were done by an in-house designer, Martin (no surname given) who was employed in the early 1980s straight from high school. According to my notes, the Smurfs (and Disney) were done in 1981, there were four mugs and a bowl for the Smurfs. The design team decided that Martin would draw the Smurfs as he knew about them and Percy Golding would do the Disney as he had drawn them a lot as a youngster.  At the time the Smurfs were very popular in Europe but not so well known in NZ. Interestingly, my notes say that both sets were not on the market for long as copyright permission had not been obtained.

Here is my Smurf mug. You will note I have left the price sticker on the base - I was so overcome to find it at that price!  Your example is an interesting colour mix - you would expect it to have red and green.  Unfortunately I can't shed any light on those cryptic numbers and codes. Nor is there any reference to Sesame Street in the material that I have.

Smurfs  Smurfs10

Smurfs  Cl_smu10

Number of posts : 1983
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Smurfs  Empty Re: Smurfs

Post  Ev Thu 3 Apr - 10:16

Thank you so much!!
My one only cost $1 and my word I've been having a lucky streak of late!
As you say there were 4 mugs and a bowl, I think that would cover the /05 code.
Gosh I'm surprised that they didn't get copyrights to use some of the well known drawings ..... that is just plain scary. I understand in the beginning days that it was a free for all, but not in the later years ...... eeek!

Number of posts : 17775
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Smurfs  Empty Re: Smurfs

Post  Ev Wed 19 Oct - 16:16

Another Smurf mug courtesy of the Ferret cheers

One more mug and a bowl to find Very Happy

Smurfs  Cl_smu10

Smurfs  Cl_smu11

Number of posts : 17775
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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