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Went OpShopping in New Lynn today ~_~

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Went OpShopping in New Lynn today ~_~ Empty Went OpShopping in New Lynn today ~_~

Post  Ev Tue 31 Jan - 17:30

Boy what a surprise I got too!!!
First place had 8 Milano/Nouveau cups, the 6074 jug, the 1497 gravy boat and a stray sugar .... all in BLACK!! I didn't even think about what I would do with them and scooped them up! 2 brown coffee cans @ 49c each and a gorgeous little Hillside salt glazed dish that I had to have even though it was $1.99 !!!!!!

Next Opshop by the Library had vanished into the night ....

I think Marl goes to the next one I went to as there was hardly any NZ crockery!

My Crown Lynn Catalogue from 1988 shows that what I paid $9.99 for would have cost me $70.95 in 1988 affraid
Just have to find the saucers and the rest of the set now ........omg!

Number of posts : 17782
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Went OpShopping in New Lynn today ~_~ Empty Re: Went OpShopping in New Lynn today ~_~

Post  Marl474 Tue 31 Jan - 21:31

Which shop was that? I havent been for a while because of baby minding. Not much point going now as you have scooped the pool!!

Number of posts : 675
Location : Te Atatu Peninsula
Registration date : 2011-02-01

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